The Centre for Sustainable Finance: Toitū Tahua works closely with the New Zealand government, and financial institutions to mobilise and direct capital to support sustainable growth and intergenerational prosperity.
The Centre for Sustainable Finance: Toitū Tahua (CSF) is an independently governed charitable trust founded in 2021. We partner with the New Zealand government, philanthropies and financial institutions to catalyse and accelerate finance for long-term prosperity and resilience.
Our work is anchored in the Sustainable Finance Forum’s 2030 Roadmap for Action, which calls for financing transformation, transforming finance and changing mindsets.
To achieve the Government’s desired outcomes from its ambitious growth agenda, we need clear and cohesive government policies and regulation that can effectively attract, mobilise and direct both public and private capital. Responding to a request from the Minister for Climate Change, CSF is working to co-develop a sustainable finance strategy for New Zealand, with engagement from across the public and private sectors. The vision of the strategy is ‘finance that unlocks New Zealand’s potential and enables the growth, innovation and capital required for current and future generations to thrive’.
New Zealand has national objectives of doubling renewable energy and securing affordable, abundant clean energy for New Zealanders. CSF works with major financial institutions, philanthropies and Crown entities on the design and delivery of financial approaches that enable capital to flow to areas of the energy transition where market failures otherwise slow progress.
CSF, in partnership with the NZ Government, is developing a sustainable finance taxonomy, starting with the priority sectors of agriculture and forestry. A sustainable finance taxonomy is a standardised framework for classifying economic activities according to their environmental performance. This classification system provides investors with the confidence to identify and invest in green and transition activities. Developing a robust taxonomy framework, aligned with those already place in our trading partner’s economies, will help to attract more international capital into Aotearoa New Zealand.
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Read more about the Centre for Sustainable Finance.
Grounded in the Sustainable Finance Form’s 2030 Roadmap for Action.
Our work would not be possible without the support of our partners.
Learn more about our Board and Executive Team.
Our key priorities for 2024.
Learn more about our approach and ongoing projects.
The Sustainable Finance Monitor tracks progress against the Sustainable Finance Forum Roadmap.
Financing sustainable growth in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Accelerating innovative finance solutions for affordable clean energy.
A framework to identify green and transition activities.
Expanding options for KiwiSaver investing with long term horizons.
ESG metrics for SMEs.
The Sustainable Finance Reference Group tests ideas and offers non-binding advice on financial strategies.
The latest CSF events, announcements and publications.
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Comprehensive annual reports from the Centre for Sustainable Finance.
Comprehensive annual reports from the Centre for Sustainable Finance.
Comprehensive annual reports from the Centre for Sustainable Finance.
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