Centre for Sustainable
Finance: Toitū Tahua

Financing transformation, transforming finance, changing minsets.

Our Vision: An equitable, inclusive financial system that enables a resilient, sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our Purpose: Advance a financial system that is more resilient, inclusive, robust and agile through the incorporation of environmental, social and economic considerations in financial decisions.

What we do

Catalyse collaborative solutions

CSF catalyses cross-sector projects to identify and scale innovative financing solutions.

Drive enabling policy

CSF collaborates with government and financial market participants to develop policy and standards which will support growth and resilience.

Deliver industry guidance and learning

CSF connects partners and the wider financial sector with leading thinking, international developments and guidance. 

Monitor and communicate progress

CSF tracks progress toward the Sustainable Finance Forum’s 2030 Roadmap For Action.

Our History

Our roadmap

The Centre was established to accelerate progress towards an equitable, inclusive, sustainable financial system. Our work is anchored in the Sustainable Finance Forum’s 2030 Roadmap for Action, which calls for financing transformation, transforming finance and changing mindsets.

Implementing these recommendation strategically positions Aotearoa New Zealand both domestically and internationally, where international markets are rapidly embracing similar recommendations. This Roadmap for Action will enable Aotearoa New Zealand to maintain our global reputation and market presence.

The Roadmap was developed over a two-year timeframe in consultation with 200+ market participants. The Sustainable Finance Forum was convened by The Aotearoa Circle. Secretariat was provided by Pip Best, Climate Change & Sustainability Partner, EY.

Financing Transformation

Sustained change in this arena requires consistent financing. To achieve this, we work towards developing resilient funding pathways. This involves improved prudential regulation over environmental risks and developed standards and pathways that encourage investments which deliver positive environmental, social and economic outcomes.

Transforming Finance

This priority is central to our work at the Centre for Sustainable Finance. In the 2030 Roadmap for Action, there is a call for improved data, disclosure, coordination, and value alignment. CSF exists as a coordinating body overseeing and implementing the needs identified by the 2030 Roadmap. Given this need, we strive to improve the data availability and identify, as well as facilitate, integrated pathways to an inclusive financial system that facilitate a whole-system strategy for sustainable finance.

Changing Mindsets

As we see it, this requires Responsibility, Capability, and Governance. Changing Mindsets requires financial system actors to consider, manage and account for environmental and social risks and opportunities and real-world impacts. Necessary for this is increased education and training in sustainable finance to increase the capability of involved parties. To support this an improvement is needed in public and private sector governance for sustainability.


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