Submission to the RBNZ on Managing Climate- Related Risks: Guidance for Regulated Entities

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua (RBNZ) is is uniquely positioned to enable alignment of the Aotearoa New Zealand economy with a low emissions future. 

Following our submission on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand ‘Risk Weights – Omnibus Consultation Paper’, The Centre for Sustainable Finance: Toitū Tahua (CSF) submitted our response to the RBNZ consultation paper “Managing climate-related risks: Guidance for regulated entities”.

Key points of the submission:

  • Supported for the submission put forth by the New Zealand Bankers Association
    (NZBA).Emphasising the need for this guidance to adapt and evolve over time through regular reviews.
  • Given the evolving nature of how Climate Reporting Entities (CREs) understand and price climate risks and opportunities, we advocate for an open-minded approach to the continuous development of the Guidance.


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